020 8023 3420

Emergency Court Order Child Custody UK

Emergency Court Order Child Custody UK

Emergency Court Order Child Custody UK Instant Help Available

Emergency Court Order For Child Custody in UK Instant Help Available

Do you need a solicitor for Emergency Court Order Child Custody in the UK. Don’t know where to go and what to do? Call us right now and let one of our expert family law solicitors help you figure things out.

Call us Right Now

020 8023 3420

We will first listen to you and instead of brushing you off, we will then get to work right away. What is really important for Emergency Court Order for Child Custody cases is the timing. You may qualify for legal aid and our on duty family solicitor will be able to asses your situation fast and If you qualify, the government will pay your costs through legal aid.

Instead of trying to figure things out all by yourself, our child custody solicitors will work around the clock to get emergency help for you if you need urgent representation in court, for example to keep you and your children safe from domestic abuse and other child and family related legal matters.

We will apply on your behalf for Emergency Legal Representation to cover any immediate action. You still need to apply for legal aid in the normal way for any ongoing work.

Family cases

You can apply to the Court of Protection to get an urgent or emergency court order in certain circumstances. We can assist you with any of the following matters :

Child Arrangement Order, Prohibited Steps Order and Specific Issue Order.

You may need help with child custody, contact rights for the non-resident parent and or Special Guardianship Order. We have done them all and know the exact ins and outs of these cases at a core level.

Apply for an urgent interim order

We can also help you get an urgent interim order depending on your particular case.

Please note: The order must be for a specific one-off decision that needs to be made without delay.

You’ll need to give information about the following for both yourself and your partner:

  • benefits – including benefits statements
  • income, savings and spending – including pay slips and bank statements
  • National Insurance numbers

You’ll also need copies of evidence relating to your case, eg:

  • court documents
  • marriage and birth certificates (for family cases)
  • relevant letters

Call us Right Now 020 8023 3420 and see how fast we act.